We Be Pirates Adventure
This week, September 19, we could not run the stream as expected due to technical difficulties. Despite that, Drama Libre did successfully held We Be Pirates and with valiant DJ Danica Cruz giving us all the tunes we needed in theme.
Peachy killed it this week, since we could not do our livestream as we normally do: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHaWKUJLG9Yu2hehE3BdQksUetA0xzUqCBnsMQjllqE-X-kYnlPncxPDIvEfjGxA?key=ZzduSHFNR1RlRHAxUFpyblVWa0Q0YTJNTF80SGp3.
Below is our late stream that we took after the event.