ATG Grid News Week 22
This is ATG Grid News.
Our top stories:
– Speedlight viewer update to version 29.
– Second Life celebrates Pride Month.
– CDS commences its 39th term of office.
This is ATG Grid News.
I am Missoni.
I am Zack Haiku.
I am Katheryn Llewellyn.
Our top stories:
– Speedlight viewer update to version 29.
– Second Life celebrates Pride Month.
– CDS commences its 39th term of office.
Hello and welcome to ATG Grid News
On June 5, 2010, the Second Life Newser was established, marking its thirteenth anniversary.
In commemoration, a celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, at the Happy Vixen Beach club located in the Purrfection Estates sim.
The festivities will commence at noon SL time and continue until 2 PM.
DJ Snowy will be in charge of spinning tunes from 12 to 1 PM, followed by DJ Grease from 1 to 2 PM.
Alongside the enjoyable music, participants will have the opportunity to take part in contests offering Linden dollar prizes.
Attendees can anticipate an enjoyable gathering filled with good music, the chance to meet the Newser team, and the possibility of making new acquaintances.
The SpeedLight team is thrilled to announce the release of the highly-anticipated v29 update, delivering an array of exciting features, enhancements, and bug fixes.
For all users, this update brings about faster loading of the 3D world and a more refined touch interface, ensuring a seamless navigation experience without the need for long taps.
Moreover, brace yourselves for an all-new high-resolution world, bidding farewell to unsightly blocky graphics. Gold users and patrons now have the ability to make in-world object payments with ease—simply tap on the object and select “Pay…” from the menu, mirroring the functionality of the regular viewer.
Another noteworthy addition is the introduction of typing notifications, allowing residents to see when others are typing and enabling customization of this feature in the Settings menu.
Not to mention, various fixes and improvements have been made across the app interface, including faster loading of IM dialogues, a revamped tablet layout, glitch fixes, and enhancements to the RLV experience.
The SpeedLight team remains committed to delivering updates that enrich your exploration in the virtual world. Happy exploring! Glaznah Gassner, on behalf of the SpeedLight Team.
In this special month of Pride, the news show highlights the celebration of diversity and equality as well as the resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Second Life, the virtual world, becomes a colorful hub for Pride events, featuring parties, parades, talent shows, and art exhibitions that residents can join. Among the notable events is Pride At Home, already underway.
The Destination Guide’s LGBTQ+ category offers more Pride-related destinations and events, such as Second Pride and SeraPride.
Second Life’s Pride celebration serves as a global platform where individuals freely express their identities, engage in meaningful discussions, and show solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community.
Regardless of the realm or reality, the essence of this celebration remains constant: love is love.
ATG GRID News extends its warm wishes for a joyful Pride Month, embracing the spirit of unity.
The Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS), known for its active citizenry and the oldest democracy in Second Life, is set to commence its 39th term of office in June.
Join in the celebration of our vibrant and resilient democratic community, and extend your best wishes to the dedicated CDS officers who have volunteered their time and efforts for the next six months.
In keeping with tradition, the Inauguration Ball will take place at the Neufreistadt Schloss on Saturday, June 3, at noon SLT, with an ‘Aloha Summer’ theme, suggesting formal casual attire for a dance on the sand ambiance.
DJ Calli will provide two hours of mesmerizing beats.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gather and revel in the festivities!
With less than a month remaining until the highly anticipated Second Life Twentieth Birthday celebrations, the preparations are in full swing.
During a recent search for SLB-named sims, a collection of regions was discovered located south of the main group of Grod’s sims, forming multiple groups with the largest one consisting of sixteen regions.
While there will be a separate area for adult-rated sims, none were found with that rating at the moment, and the SL19B symbol still adorned the map, indicating ongoing work on the sims.
Exhibitors, including ATG Productions and others, received a message from Missy Mole, the organizer, announcing their acceptance to build exhibits for SL20B and assuring them that the regions were nearly ready for construction.
Detailed information regarding parcel size and location will be provided shortly.
Although there was a slight delay, the opening of the regions is expected around June 1, giving exhibitors a generous two weeks to finalize their displays.
Stay tuned for further updates and announcements as the celebrations draw near, promising an exciting showcase of Second Life’s rich history and thriving community.
This has been ATG Grid News.
Enjoy the grid!