Digging Up History Adventure
The magic of SL is everywhere, well maybe, just Drama Libre. This week they decided to do a little Digging Up History. So equipped with my trust virtual shovel, I trekked on over to see what could be found. Everyone did there level best and we have some amazing appearances by our Golden Hosts Peachy and Xerxes with the support of DJ Danica Cruz reminding us that sometimes musical covers are their very own lyrical and rhythmic form of discovery. So many amazing looks for this event, so many stand outs, I am having the toughest time picking my favorites. Tiny Mummy, Lead Archeologist, and so many historical and beautifully detailed costumes of luminaries of old. The winners this week really showed their versatility. Winners this week were Bri as the first place winner and the lovely TigerLily and Missy tied for second place. Bri really put out all the stops not just by keeping one look, she changed looks throughout the evening truly digging up her own history of looks from current and past Drama Libre events.
This weeks can’t miss album brought to us by our Golden Goddess Peachy is a total can’t miss: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMXIluvMQXopmzF7S3esiEUNOp6EKHo4fraXbZzWQT9GGbfMmSeY8fsBeD7Dz1ZPw?key=MWFGUDJCdW40Mnd1MHNnbzRJbzR4MUhlQUJCV2NB.
Below is some video from the event.