Going Outlanding
Who says outdoors can’t be indoors? Drama Libre on June 13, 2020, put their spin on camping out with Going Outlanding. With Ironman Zeplin DJing the night, we guests geared up for a Second Life event to remember. Amazing costume standouts this week were Whill, Xyla and Ella.
Our buggy riding hostess, Peachy made sure she got the can’t miss photos of the week: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMO23MA3jUecWkcyrnMtbw8UEdE03vOYJ86X28c_I_EmdXJfDLQ3CgwdVsCd2RKpg?key=UTBsQS0yN0RERDhmZ0pmOFFpQnlsLW51WHF1UGh3
Below is a brief video of the event.