ATG Entertainment News- Week 7

ATG Entertainment News – Week 7

ATG Entertainment News – Week 7

Get the latest of what is going on through ATG. This week’s ATG Entertainment News is jam packed full of updates around the grid and events to watch out for.

Latest stories:

– Relay For Life of Second Life’s 2023 season kicking off
– Second Life Living Expo Vehicle Show taking entries
– “La Serenissima” exhibition still running until mid March



Welcome to ATG Entertainment Weekly.

– Relay For Life of Second Life’s 2023 season kicking off
– Second Life Living Expo Vehicle Show taking entries
– “La Serenissima” exhibition still running until mid March

Welcome to ATG Entertainment Weekly.
February is almost coming to an end, but SL entertainment does not.

Registrations are open for SL Fandom Con, Relay for Life of Second Life’s newest Mega event.
SL Fandom Con is an event for all all comic lovers and fans, from Trekkers, Whovians, Bronies, True Believers, the Warsies and Ghostheads, Moonies and everyone in between.
Fandom Con is a new Mega Event for Relay For Life of Second Life, replacing Sci-Fi Con on the 2023 Relay Season calendar. It is going to be a social event focused festival like sci-fi cons of the past with wider inclusivity for genres of anime, comics, movies, RL & SL artist creator content, video and tabletop games, pop culture, SL Film Festival, and a specific emphasis on RL & SL Costumes and Cosplay.
The event will take place on Friday May 12th through Sunday May 21st 2023
Everyone is welcome to exhibit at Fandom Con! All the amazing fandoms of anime, comics, sci-fi and more!
Fandom Con is a moderate event and all content should approximate a PG-13 movie rating.
The Relay For Life of Second Life 2023 Theme is “Hope Floats” and Fandom Con is going to spotlight the enduring stories in all our fandoms that have taught us about the power of Hope.

After months of planning, the Relay for Life in Second Life is about to start it’s 2023 fundraising season. This year’s theme is “Hope Floats.”
So expect a lot of boating, and perhaps swimming, underwater, and airship events.
Relay for Life of Second Life Celebration starts at 10AM Second Life time on February 18th.
The event will take place at the American Cancer Society Island 2, and streamed on Relay For Life of Second Life’s youtube channel.

With the Relay For Life of SL theme of Hope Floats this year, The Sugar Skols present their 2023 Viking Venue for all Warriors to assemble and fight the good fight!
The season kicks off on Sunday, February 19th at 4PM Second Life Time with an EPIC DJ Battle, Viking style!
Everyone is welcome to join for the battle cries of these incredible DJs as they pound the war drums to raise money for the cause.

Running through until March 11th, 2023 is La Serenissima, a two-part exhibition at the Venezia region in Second Life by Sophie de Saint Phalle (Perpetua1010).
The exhibition is split between indoor and and outdoor display area.
Sophie is an artist in the physical world who uses Second Life to reach audiences who might not otherwise encounter her work. She does this through exhibitions like La Serenissima and also through her own gallery/studio space Subcutan Art Gallery and Multimedia Centre.
Her art is rich in content and form, drawing as it does on many of her own travels and experiences – as with Infinite, a celebration of indigenous Australian art.
Some of the pieces from Infinite are displayed in the outdoor section of La Serenissima, together with some pieces from an exhibition hosted at Niccoli Sweetwater’s Basilique region back in September 2020.
For those familiar with Sophie’s work through individual exhibitions, La Serenissima offers an opportunity to experience the breath of her work in a relaxed setting.

The Second Life Living Expo Vehicle Show will take place this March 3rd.
The rules for entry have been established, as such:

– One entry per avatar.
– Entry Fee: L$200 ($2.50 USD). Entry fee must be paid prior to being allowed to enter your vehicle into the show.
– Vehicle definition: Cars, Motorcycles or other vehicles that can be driven on a roadway.
– Maximum allowed prims for vehicle is 150 LE.
– Minimize scripts as much as possible (Vehicles do not need to be driven) and vehicles must be locked.
– Must fit in a 12×12 plot.
– All entries must be a moderate rating.
– Vehicles can be modified using a variety of kitbash parts and re-texturing.
– Winner is determined by largest amount donated in their assigned RFL kiosk.
– Cars will be divided into two categories: modified and unmodified. Modified cars must be created by using kit parts to modify the appearance and design and must be completed by you. This may also include re-texturing with a custom texture. Unmodified cars are purchased from other creators and you just want to show off your favorite. unmodified cars must also come with a write-up from you as to why it’s your favorite and why you’ve chosen to show it off at the SL Living Expo.

For any additional questions, contact Cody Chronotis (cody.conundrum).
Registration payment is to be done at the Drivers of Second Life office.

Grid Drive’s group drive takes place as always on Saturday, at 11:30 Am and then again at Midnight.
The Navigation Hud can be found at Brussac Bay’s Get The Freight Out, and it will take any drivers to the start of the drive.
The group drive is sponsored by The Canary Project, and the reward is a small custom made sailboat.
The Canary Project patrols the Nautilus, Corsica and Blake Sea areas and reports on bad regions.

The Second Life Cheerleader Squad public practice will take place at Srookc Skytower Stadium in heertopia, on Thursday at 6PM.
As always, anyone is welcome to attend.

And now, more entertainment with our very own Katheryn Llewellyn.

eClipse Club & Resort Events this week:
Feb 18 7:00 pm Latin Night w/DJ Iniry
Feb 19 7:00 pm Hail to the Chief w/DJ Cale
Feb 20 9:00 pm Zydeco Dance Party w/DJ Cale
Feb 21 8:00 pm Mardi Gras w/DJ Tiger
Feb 23 9:00 pm Decades w/DJ Tiger
Feb 24 7:00 pm Come As You Are! w/DJ Momma
Feb 24 9:00 pm The Tiger & Rhosie Show

This week’s edition of Drama Libre will take part as always this Saturday at 7PM Second Life Time.
the theme for this week is “Checkpoint Charlie”, with DJ Magda Kamenev providing the music for the weekly event.
As always, you can watch Katheryn’s livestream on Adventures SL, where she will take us through the sets and crowd.

Thank you for watching ATG Entertainment Weekly.
Live the Grid Experience!

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